Evaluating Accessibility: Meeting Key Challenges
Online Research Symposium, 16 November 2023

An EU Project


The Web Accessibility Initiative - Communities of Practice (WAI-CooP) Project invites researchers, practitioners, and users with disabilities to participate in an international online symposium exploring best practices and challenges in accessibility evaluation and monitoring.

Participation at the event is free of charge, but registration is compulsory. The registration deadline is 13 November 2023.


This online symposium brings together researchers, academics, industry, government, and people with disabilities, to explore practices and challenges involved in monitoring and evaluating digital accessibility. We aim to focus this discussion on current challenges and opportunities in three main areas, digital accessibility training, mobile accessibility, and Artificial Intelligence.

This symposium aims to foster a common discussion between researchers and practitioners to work in collaboration to discuss opportunities to improve the current state of accessibility research and practice.

After the symposium, the WAI-CooP project will publish a report, consolidating the discussions and findings.

Important Dates


Participation is free, and you must register by 13 November 2023.


Session 1: Digital Accessibility Training and Education

This session aims to explore the present landscape of digital accessibility training. We will discuss current challenges related to course offerings, scope, and regional focus, and explore opportunities for further integration into university curricula.

Session 2: Mobile Accessibility

This session aims to discuss current challenges on evaluating mobile applications. We will explore current standards and guidelines coverage, as well as discuss the role of automatic tools in mobile accessibility evaluations.

Session 3: Artificial Intelligence for Accessibility Evaluation

This session aims to discuss the growing role of Artificial Intelligence in digital accessibility evaluation and monitoring. We will explore opportunities and considerations to ensure responsible and effective use of Artificial Intelligence for assessing digital accessibility.


The following times are in CET (UTC+1). Check your time zone.

Logistics and Accessibility

This meeting will take place on the Zoom teleconference system with real-time captioning, and International Sign Language. Connection details will be sent by email to registered participants.

Organizing Committee

Symposium Chairs


An EU Project

This research symposium is organized by the WAI-CooP Project, an European Commission co-funded project.

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